Generation Green

Our History
Larry Frank is a farmer, environmentalist, and leader in rural Indiana. He cultivates a unique variety of sweet corn that soon became a local favorite. When his son Jeffrey moved to DC to go to college, one of the things he missed the most was his dad’s corn. So, every time he went home, Jeff would bring back a stash of Larry’s cut-off-the-cob frozen sweet corn. Over the years, Jeff shared his corn with friends, and it was a winner at every dinner party. As there is simply nothing comparable to it, it soon became highly requested. So he decided to bring his unique gourmet corn to the market, and Generation Green was born.
Rebuilding the Community
In the last 30 years, rural America has been ravaged economically by the highly mechanized nature of corporate farming.
When Larry graduated from the local high school, every classmate’s family made their living off of farming except two. When his son Jeff graduated from the same school 25 years later, only two families made their living off of farming. Luckily, Americans have finally grown tired of eating over-processed food devoid of nutrition and taste. They are clamoring for the return of the small family farmer and the taste of real food.

Our Mission
Generation Green’s primary mission is to rejuvenate rural farming communities by providing jobs through sustainable farming. This small operation has already benefited many people from the small family farmers contracted to grow the corn to the local Amish community and Future Farmers of America members who produce everything by hand. All the workers are from our little farming community, and most of our families have known each other for generations.

Larry’s Corn is 100% sustainably grown. Our growing and production techniques cause no damage to the land or environment. Our workers and farmers are paid fair wages that allow for a sustainable family-based lifestyle. So, when you buy a container of Larry’s Sweet Corn, you become a very necessary part of everything it stands for.